Gemericum (GEM)


compiled: S.W. Faryad (2002)



==== ==== ====


Age of Protolith, Geochemistry

Lithology, Mineralogy, Metamorphic Grade



Structural Evolution





==== ==== ====



The Gemericum unit with basement rocks and late Paleozoic cover sequences represent the most inner tectonic unit of the Central Western Carpathians. It consists mostly of greenschist facies rocks, which are partly intruded by Permian Granite. Amphibolite facies rocks form small tectonic slices in the N, NE part of this unit.


Geographic Position

The Gemericum called also as eastern part of the Slovak Ore Mts. is situated in the SE part of Slovakia, between Košice in the east and Dobšina in the northwest.


Geological map of the eastern part of Slovak Ore Mts.: 1:50000 (Bajaník etl al., 1984), 1:500,000 (Lexa et al., 2000).


Most of basement rocks in the Gemericum are exposed on surface. They were penetrated by many deep boreholes and mains. The most important borehole occurred in basement rocks were MPV-8 at Mníšek nad Hnilcom (Grecula and Kobulský., 1981) and S- Sulova north from Rožňava (Snopko et al., 1980).


Boundaries and Structural Position

The Gemericum overthrust the Veporicum along the Lubenik tectonic zone in the West and along Margecany tectonic zone in the northwest. The Rožňava tectonic line represents the southern border of the Gemericum, but mostly it is overthrusted by the Silica Nappe and by the Meliata unit.


Based  on lithology and metamorphism four subunits form from bottom to top can be distinguished in the Gemericum:

-                     Gelnica Group, representing most part of basement rocks

-             Rakovec Group, forming narrow rim along the north-eastern and northern parts of the Gemericum. 

-             Klátov Group (Gneiss-amphibolite complex), which forms tectonic, slices on the Rakovec Group.

-             Late Paleozoic sequences overlay all three groups along borders around of the Gemericum. 


The early Paleozoic of the Gemericum, mainly the Gelnica group is lithologically correlated with Greywacke zone in the eastern Alps (Maheľ, 1986). Abonyi (1971) considers correlation of some lithologies of the Rakovec group with the Ochtiná formation, situated along western boundary of the Gemericum. Possible correlation of the Ochtina formation and the Rakovec group with the Voitsch unit in the Eastern Alps  is considered by Neubauer and Vozárová (1990).


Age of Protolith, Geochemistry

Based on biostratigraphical investigations (Snopková and Snopko, 1979, Čorna and Kamenický, 1976), mainly on foraminifers (Vozárová et al., 1998), the Gelnica sedimentary sequences indicate Ordovician to early Silurian age. The Gelnica Group is represented by thick sequences of flysch sediments that associate with volcanic rocks of ryholite and dacite composition. They represent mostly primary tuffs, rarely lavas and subvolcanic varieties. Small amounts of carbonate rocks with black schals (lydite) and mafic and ultramafic volcanic are also present.

A middle Devonian to lower Carboniferous age for the Rakovec Group and Ochtina Formation is considered according to biostratigraphica studies of Snopková and Snopko, (1979) and (Kozur et al., 1976). The most common rocks of the Rakovec Group are metabasites and clastic metasediments. The metabasites derived mostly from basalts, basaltic tuffs with minor amounts of gabbros or dolerite. According to geochemical composition the mafic rocks of the Rakovec and Gelnica Group represent different varieties of N-MORB, E-MORB/OIT and CAB (Ivan, 1994).

The Klátov group consists of amphibolite and gneiss with local occurrences of marble and serpentinites.  There is no evidence on Protolith age of this Group. Geochemically the metabasites has MORB composition (Bajaník, 1981; Hovorka and Ivan, 1985)

The late Paleozoic sequences (Upper Carboniferous and Permian) are represented by clastic sediments with varying amounts of volcanic rocks of ryholite and locally of basaltic composition (Vozárová and Vozár, 1988).


Lithology, Mineralogy, Metamorphic Grade

Metamorphic mineral assemblages in the Gelnica and Rakovec Groups indicate greenschist facies conditions.


A relic igneous diopside was found in several localities from both of the Gelnica and Rakovec Groups. The most common metamorphic minerals in metabasites are albite, epidote, actinolite and titanite (Faryad, 1991). Some metabasites contain also stilpnomelane and biotite. Calcite is usually present in actinolite-free varieties. Metadolerites may contain zoned actinolite with Al-rich cores, which is compositionally close to actinolitic hornblende. Both Al-rich and Al-poor phases are in equilibrium, since the amphibole composition continuously changes towards the rims of grains. Na2O contents in amphibole are usually low (0.1 - 0.8 vol. percent). Some metabasites from the northern part of the Gemericum contain Na-rich actinolite or Na-Ca amphibole of taramite composition. Mineral coexisting with taramite are albite, epidote, Ca-garnet, titanite and biotite (Hovorka et al., 1988; Faryad and Bernhardt, 1996). Coarse grains of taramite are weakly zoned and reveal a decrease of Al and an increase of Fe3+ from core to rim.

The epidote composition mostly depends on the bulk rock composition; its al = Al/(Al+Fe3+) ratios are 0.20-0.30. Fe-rich epidote, with al = 0.4 is found in some Fe-rich rocks. Accessory allanite was also found in metabasite.

Garnet from taramite-bearing rocks occurs in pseudomorphs of albite after calcic plagioclase. It is rich in Ca, with an average composition of Grs73, And18, Sps2, Alm2, and Py0.2. Some garnet crystals show pronounced zoning; the grossularite content decreases and andradite increases from core (Grs72, And20) to rim (Grs44, And54). The maximum MgO content, analyzed in a garnet core, was 0.6 wt percent.

     Apart from retrograde biotite, replacing actinolite in some metabasites, prograde biotite associates with taramite, garnet, albite and epidote in the Rakovec locality. Compared to retrograde biotite, it is rich in Mg with an XMg of about 0.47. Composition of chlorite is strongly related to the whole rock composition. Its XMg content is 0.30-0.48. Plagioclase is usually an albite with a maximum CaO content of 0.8 wt percent.


Metamorphosed acid to intermediate volcanic rocks

In addition to quartz, the common relic magmatic phases are phenocrysts of feldspars. Hornblende, corresponding to magnesio-hornblende, and well-preserved phenocrysts of biotite are found in metadacite and metarhyolite from the central part of the Gemericum, near Rožňava (Faryad, 1991). Metamorphic minerals are quartz, albite, white mica, chlorite and, rarely, biotite. K-rich rocks may also contain microcline. Igneous plagioclase and K-feldspar are replaced by white mica, albite and microcline. Since pyroclastic varieties are well foliated, lavas and subvolcanic members are mostly spared from deformation. White mica composition depends on the whole rock chemistry. Phengite with Si = 3.3 atom/formula unit (a/f.u.) occurs in metadacite, but K-rich metarhyolite may contain muscovite. Epidote or calcite is found in dacite or ryhodacite varieties. Some Al-rich tuffaceous rocks (probably a mixture of volcanic and sedimentary rocks) contain muscovite, chloritoid (Varga, 1973) and pyrophyllite (Korikovsky et al., 1992; Faryad, 1995). The presence of chloritoid is mostly restricted to the southern and eastern parts of the Gemericum. It has high Fe contents (Fe2+ /(Fe2+ + Mg) = 0.87-0.88).

Kyanite and andalusite, the latter related to thermal overprint by granitoid magma, were observed in the central part of the Gemericum (Faryad and Dianiška, 1992). Both kyanite and andalusite are partly replaced by muscovite. Green biotite can be observed in the area of relatively deep erosion or in some boreholes and mines. In addition to relatively higher metamorphic conditions, the appearance of biotite in volcanic rocks is favored by the whole rock composition, since metapelites adjacent to volcanic rocks lack biotite. Abundant biotite occurs in the contact zones of the Gemericum granite bodies. Thermal and hydrothermal recrystallization in contact zones of granites resulted in a gneiss-like appearance of some well-foliated metavolcanic rocks, which had been misinterpreted as gneisses in the past.


Metapelites and metapsammites

  The most common rocks of sedimentary origin are phyllites, which originated from sandstones, greywackes, pelites and black shales. Carbonate rocks and lydite (a rock consisting of quartz and organic matter) form intercalations in black shales. Metapelites and metapsammites are characterized by monotonous metamorphic mineral assemblages that contain quartz, white mica, chlorite and rarely also albite. In the southern and eastern parts of the Gemericum, some phyllites may also contain chloritoid. According to Varga (1973) chloritoid was formed during Alpine metamorphic overprint. Almandine-rich garnet was observed in the eastern and northern parts of the Gemericum. In the first place it was found near to granite, where it is associated with chlorite, quartz and white mica. Textural relations show that it was formed during regional metamorphism. In the second place, garnet occurs in metapelites near the tectonic zone under the Gneiss-amphibolite complex. Garnet is associated with quartz, albite and pseudomorphs of chlorite after biotite.

White mica is mostly phengite in composition and it has a Si content of 3.15-3.30. A low- Si content for white mica is, however, assumed based on the b0 values obtained by Sassi and Vozárová (1987) and Mazzoli et al. (1992). Paragonite was detected by powder diffraction analyses. Chloritoid has a composition similar to that in metavolcanics and it is rich in Fe. Biotite and/or andalusite, occurring in the central part of the Gemericum  (Faryad and Dianiška, 1992), are related to the thermal heating of Permian granite intrusion.


Metamorphic rocks of specific composition

Carbonate rocks occur mostly in the central part of the Gemericum, where they are associated with black phyllites. Calcite marbles are common, but some magnesian marbles or magnesites also occur.  In addition to calcite, magnesite and dolomite, the magnesian marbles contain, quartz, white mica, chlorite and talc. In contact aureoles of granite, some carbonate rocks are converted to skarn, which contain Ca-amphibole, pyroxene (diopside-hedenbergite and grossularite- andradite-rich garnet (Faryad and Peterec, 1987.

Mn-rich carbonate rocks that underwent greenschist facies metamorphism were investigated at three localities in the central part of the Gemericum (Faryad, 1994). They contain rhodonite, calcite, Mn-calcite, spessartite-rich garnet (Sps60-90, Grs10-30, Alm0-15) pyroxmangite, knebelite, biotite, phengite, chlorite, manganoan actinolite and tirodite. As retrograde phases, these rocks may have caryopilite and manganpyrosmalite.

Grunerite with biotite is found in iron quartzite near Helcmanovce, north of Smolník, where stratobound pyrite deposits occur (Faryad, 1991). The iron quartzite, forming small lenses in metavulcanite, was penetrated by a drill hole.


The Gneiss-amphibolite complex = Klátov nappe) Metamorphic minerals in amphibolites are amphibole, plagioclase and partly garnet. In addition to plagioclase and quartz the gneisses may contain amphibole, garnet and biotite (Rozložník, 1965, Dianiška and Grecula, 1979, Hovorka et al., 1984, Faryad, 1986, 1990). Most amphiboles from garnet amphibolite correspond to magnesohornblende-tscermakite, but some amphiboles have composition of edenite-pargasite. The total Al2O3 content varies between 8-12 mol %. Maximum NaM4 content in tschermakite is 0.4 a.f.u. Garnet in amphibolite has composition Alm61-66, Py13-17, Grs10-20, and Sps2-8. It shows weak zonation with decrease of Fe, Mg and increase of Ca toward rim. Some garnet grains are rimed by grossularite-rich garnet that were probably formed by Alpine low-grade overprint in this unit. Plagioclase from amphibolites is mostly replaced by albite and epidote/zoisite, but relic grains may have up to 32 mol % anorthite content.

The gneisses consist mostly of plagioclase (An20-32) and quartz with varying amounts of one or more of the minerals: biotite, garnet amphiboles (magnesiohornblende and locally cumingtonite) and muscovite. An occurrence of amphibolite and gneiss, overprinted by high-pressure low-temperature metamorphism was described from Rudník (Faryad, 1988), but their genetic relations to gneiss-amphibolite complex are not clear.

Ultramafic rocks adjacent amphibolites consist mainly of antigorite with small amounts of tremolite, Mg-chlorite, talc and relics of brown spinel.


The polymetamorphic character of the Gelnica and Rakovec Groups make difficult to distinguish Pre-Alpine and Alpine mineral assemblages. In addition some rocks in the central part of the Gemericum were affected by contact metamorphism and hydrothermal alteration due to Permian granite intrusion.


Pre-Alpine Metamorphism:

1.      Gelnica and Rakovec Groups

Pre-Alpine metamorphic minerals preserved in some unfoliated massive rocks are white mica and biotite (in ryholite), actinolite and epidote (in dolerite) and rhodonite, pyroxmangite and knebelite (in Mn-carbonates). P-T conditions estimated for these minerals range  between 350 and 450 oC at 3-5 kbar (Faryad, 1991,1994, 1997, Vozárová, 1998). Higher pressure and temperature (400-480 oC at 7-10 Kbar) were estimated for the Rakovec Group for taramite-bearing assemblage (Faryad et al., 1999). Radvanec (1999) reported a presence of jadeite from this rock that suggest pressure corresponding to blueschist facies conditions.

2.      Klátov Group

P-T conditions calculated using mineral composition and various geothermobarometric methods for amphibolites and gneisses from different localities are 500-700 °C and 0.7-1.0 GPa (Faryad, 1990)


Permian contact metamorphism

Mineral observed in pelitic rocks near contact to granite are andalusite, corundum, biotite,  muscovite and pseudomorphs after cordierite. Mafic and some carbonatic rocks contain clinopyroxene of hedenbergite composition Grossularite/ andradite garnet and amphibole. Chlorite and biotite spots are common feature of thermal overprint in metapelites.


Alpine Metamorphism

P-T conditions of Alpine metamorphism in the basement rocks of the Gemericum were estimated according to metamorphic mineral assemblages in Permian metagranites and late Paleozoic cover sequences (Faryad and Dianiška, 1999). The metagranites are characterized by the presence of phengite (Si = 3.3 a.f.u), chlorite, albite, microcline and rarely also garnet with high grossularite (Grs45-50) and almandine contents. Some whiteschists, occurring in contact zone of granites, contain relic corundum, andalusite and kyanite with muscovite. Metamorphic minerals in the Permian cover sequences are white mica of phengite-muscovite composition and chlorite. Actinolite, epidote and albite ca be found in some  upper Carboniferous metabasites. P-T conditions of Alpine overprint in the Gemericum, calculated using mineral composition in metagranites and estimated based metamorphic mineral assemblages in the late Paleozoic rocks, are 0.5-07 GPa at 330-350 °C.

The early Paleozoic rocks in the western and southern part of the Gemericum are characterized by the presence of chloritoid (XMg = 0.08-0.15) that associates with phengite, chlorite and locally with pyrophyllite (Varga, 1973, Korikovsky et al., 1985, Faryad, 1997). This mineral assemblage is mostly interpreted as result of Alpine overprint, which extensively affected eastern part of the Veporicum at contact with Gemericum.



Gelnica Group


Rock type



Range (n)


K/Ar white mica






1-Cambel et al (1980),


Rakovec Group


Rock type



Range (n)


K/Ar white mica






K/Ar white mica






1-Cambel et al (1980)


Klatov Group


Rock type



Range (n)


K/Ar amphibole



357, 338



K/Ar amphibole






K/Ar amphibole



391±18, 448±23, 337±16



K/Ar amphibole



324±9, 320±5, 281±9



K/Ar amphibole






K/Ar amphibole






1-Cambel et al (1980), 2-Kantor, 1980, Kantor et al., 1981, 4- Kantor Ďurkovičová, 1980.


Beside Permian Rb/Sr whole rock (Kovach et al., 1986) and some K/Ar ages of muscovite from granite, many K/Ar ages from biotite and K-feldspar yielded Alpine age of 98-130 Ma (Kantor and Rybár, 1979).



Structural Evolution

Structural analyses from the Rakovec Group (Bajaník, 1968, Konečný, 1969, Rozložník and Sasvári, 1985) indicated northern dipping of primary foliation that reflects a general southern vergency of the nappe. According to Rozložník and Sasvári  (1985) the Rakovec nappe and overlaying Gneiss-amphibolite complex are characterized by bedding parallel to foliation that dips to NE. Furthermore, Variscan folding (F1) with general southwards vergency was recognized in these rocks by Rozložník et al. (1981). The Upper Carboniferous sediments which cover the Rakovec nappe and the Gneiss amphibolite complex are characterized by weak foliation and folding along the NE-SW axes. Some amphibolite varieties are characterized by planar compositional layers that consist mostly of plagioclase and quartz. Considering the relationships between the Upper-Carboniferous and basement rocks, the structural data from the Rakovec nappe and Gneiss-amphibolite complex suggest Variscan south vergent thrust tectonics in the northern and eastern parts of the Gemericum.

The most important tectonic system in the Gemericum is the southwards dipping thrust zones and cleavage, which cross cut the primary foliation in the basement rocks. The cleavage is mostly assumed to be formed during Alpine event, since it occurs also in the late Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks. Some cleavage can be however of Pre-Alpine age that related to axial planar foliation of F1 folds in the Rakovec rocks. In the Gneiss-amphibolite complex, the southwards dipping structures (parallel to cleavage) are represented by thrust faults and mylonite zones.





The Gemericum is a composite of early Paleozoic basement groups with late Paleozoic cover sequences. The Pre-Alpine basement, representing primary volcano-sedimentary sequences of Gelnica and Rakovec Groups underwent Variscan greenschist facies condition Relatively higher pressures between greenschist-blueschist facies conditions are indicated by the presence of Na-Ca amphibole in Rakovec Gorup in the norther part of the Gemericum. Amphibolite facies rocks of the Klátov Group form slices on the greenschist facies Rakovec Group. The Gelnica and partly Rakovec group rocks were thermally affected by Permian granite intrusion.

Both early Paleozoic basement and late Paleozoic cover sequences suffered Alpine overprint in very lo- to low-grade conditions. This metamorphism related to collisional event, which was occurred after subduction of the Meliata oceanic basin.



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